Current Mental Health Campaigns
World Federation for Mental Health
11th World Mental Health Day 2007
10th October 2007, Theme: Transcultural Mental Health
World Federation for Mental Health
Breaking through barriers
Depression Awareness Campaign Web site
A comprehensive web site with information and useful resources for people with depression, their families, and friends.
The site is available in English, French, German, Spanish and Portuguese
The Centre for Mental Health
European Depression Day
European Alliance Against Depression
The European Alliance Against Depression (EAAD)” is an international
network of experts with the aim to promote the care of depressed patients
by initiating community-based intervention programmes in 18 European countries.
EAAD is co-funded within the EC Public Health Programme until 2008.
GAMIAN-Europe stands for Global Alliance of Mental Illness Advocacy Networks-Europe. As the name suggests, we are a “patient driven” federation of national organizations across Europe. These Organisations support people affected by a mental illness. Within the federation we cover the whole spectrum of psychiatric conditions as well as offering support to careers and other family members. Currently, there are some seventy members of GAMIAN-Europe from thirty-one Europe countries, stretching from Iceland in the West to Russia in the East, and from Finland in the North to Malta and Cyprus in the South. We also have associate members from other continents (Africa, North and South America). Some of the national organizations are disease specific; for example, they focus solely on depression, bipolar disorder or anxiety, whilst others are umbrella organizations in their own country covering the whole range of psychiatric conditions.